i've tried to be good, i really have. my back is messed up and i know i need to give it a break (so to speak), but this is silly. i made my mind up to take it easy this week and get healed up. i sat in a chair and read 2 books and i'm half-way thru another and it was only tuesday. UGH! wednesday i pulled up some more carpet in the livingroom. the carpet is a disaster and i'm removing it a little at a time and cleaning the hardwood underneath. then i'll sand it down someday and refinish it. maybe that'll keep me busy this winter. we put the carpet down with this double sided tape from hell. it is really stuck to the wood. i've tried all sorts of glue removers and so far, all i can find that works is scraping it up with a screwdriver. bit at a time. guess this falls under "how bad do you want it?"
last night, one of my regular market customers called at 10 oclock to tell me her sister was in town from ohio and wants some concrete leaf castings and could i have some at the market this weekend. so, today i made 2 tulip poplar, 2 hosta, 2 hollyhock, and 1 each of elephant ear, dock and angel-winged begonia leaves. that may be all i make for this year. it all depends on how long these last. things have kinda slowed down at the market. it's getting close to the end of the season and market is over after october. and i need to get busy on holiday market stuff.
i've not done anything in the yard lately. mostly because it has rained for , it seems like, forever. tuesday, it was raining when i got up at 8 and rained hard and steady till after 1 and then off and on thru wednesday. supposed to be nice the rest of the week. i'm going to try to get the water emptied out of everything outside. the misquitos outside today were terrible.
time to change the laundry around.
take care!
a place to post my craft pictures, since i can't seem to post pictures to message boards without a major crisis on my part. and in the summer, garden ramblings.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Things to do, Things to do.
Well, i told you it was summer and i'd be hard to find. Gadzooks, i didn't know i'd been gone so long. I've been working in the yard and i DO mean working. i decided that, after working and not spending enough time on my beds, that it would be easier to dig up the good plants, put weed killer on the weeds and put the flowers back. That turned into redesigning the beds and moving plants from one bed to another and putting down mulch. The first 3 beds went well. they are looking quite nice. But, i got impatient with the 4th and biggest bed so far. i decided one day to pull all the weeds by hand and i got it done. but not without pulling something in my back. The next day, i thought,"what do you do with a sore back? work out the kinks". WRONG! i replanted the bed and added some more. then i couldn't bend over the next morning. now i'm grounded. I've got 3 beds to go and almost 4 yards of mulch to spread. i've not got time to be hurt. But i have gotten a bit of stuff done in the house. (like i want to be doing THAT!)
I'm crocheting a bit. some hats and scarves for the farmer's market holiday market in November. and working on a throw for my son's recliner. it's gonna be winter someday, and he'll need something to nap under. My mom is wanting a Mrs. Who's shrug. so, i'd like to get one made for her for christmas.
I'm wanting to try to make some glass block lites for the holiday market. i saw a project on a site and thought they would be fun to try. here is the link for the site . http://www.treasuresfromdj.net/craft-glass-lights.php
I'd like to do something different this year. hate to become predictable. God forbid!
Time to go give the weinerdog a bath. oh, joy. be still my heart. i hope to have something more interesting to share next time. take care.
I'm crocheting a bit. some hats and scarves for the farmer's market holiday market in November. and working on a throw for my son's recliner. it's gonna be winter someday, and he'll need something to nap under. My mom is wanting a Mrs. Who's shrug. so, i'd like to get one made for her for christmas.
I'm wanting to try to make some glass block lites for the holiday market. i saw a project on a site and thought they would be fun to try. here is the link for the site . http://www.treasuresfromdj.net/craft-glass-lights.php
I'd like to do something different this year. hate to become predictable. God forbid!
Time to go give the weinerdog a bath. oh, joy. be still my heart. i hope to have something more interesting to share next time. take care.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Catching up
Geez, I've been a bad blogger. i've been busy the last month or so. I got a job at Bloomington Valley Nursery and was supposed to work part-time, but ended up working 11 days out of the first 15. With Mother's Day and Memorial Day, we were running around like crazy. Now things are slowing down and I'm down to 3 days a week. that gives me time to take care of my own greenhouse and sell plants at the local farmer's market on Saturdays.
I've not been getting to crochet much, but i'm trying to get in at least a little bit in the evenings. I'm still plugging away at my second lapghan for the May charity blitz. I know, I'm running behind. But those darned hexes are getting the best of me. I manage to get a couple made every night or so. And I'm getting pretty far along on my quiltghan for the CAL. Here's a picture of my progress.

Tomorrow is market day and I've got herbs, hostas, and water plants to sell. And a few crocheted cellphone cases. I've got a bag of books for the book tent. They trade used books, two for one. New reading material for me!!
Daniel is coming over tomorrow to use the garage to change his friend's oil. That's another piece of news. Dan has left the nest. Or maybe, flown the coop. Anyway, he's sharing an apartment with another fireman on our department and he's moving his stuff out a little bit at a time. I tell everybody that the way he's moving, my nest isn't empty, but it's certainly leaking. It's kinda weird having him drop by to visit. He was not home much to begin with, so i don't know why it seems so different to have him not living here. It's good, he's happy, we're entering a new time in our life, but it's just strange. Ok, enough mother-henning.
I'll try to be better about posting. But it IS summer, and you know how hard it is to stay inside when there are so many things to plant.
I've not been getting to crochet much, but i'm trying to get in at least a little bit in the evenings. I'm still plugging away at my second lapghan for the May charity blitz. I know, I'm running behind. But those darned hexes are getting the best of me. I manage to get a couple made every night or so. And I'm getting pretty far along on my quiltghan for the CAL. Here's a picture of my progress.

Tomorrow is market day and I've got herbs, hostas, and water plants to sell. And a few crocheted cellphone cases. I've got a bag of books for the book tent. They trade used books, two for one. New reading material for me!!
Daniel is coming over tomorrow to use the garage to change his friend's oil. That's another piece of news. Dan has left the nest. Or maybe, flown the coop. Anyway, he's sharing an apartment with another fireman on our department and he's moving his stuff out a little bit at a time. I tell everybody that the way he's moving, my nest isn't empty, but it's certainly leaking. It's kinda weird having him drop by to visit. He was not home much to begin with, so i don't know why it seems so different to have him not living here. It's good, he's happy, we're entering a new time in our life, but it's just strange. Ok, enough mother-henning.
I'll try to be better about posting. But it IS summer, and you know how hard it is to stay inside when there are so many things to plant.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
25 things for charity in 2006
I don't know how to put this in my sidebar, so i'll just put it here and update it as i go. i was curious how much i could do in a year so i am keeping track. but it was taking up too much space in my c'ville signature. so, i'm cleaning house in my signature. hey, it's better than cleaning house in my house. GEEZ!!!
25 things for charity finished and mailed:
11 scarves
30 granny's daughters
23 granny squares
8 octagons
1 babyghan
1 lapghan
assorted crocheted goodies
tote bag
2 ferret hammocks
5 preemie hats and blankies
25 things for charity finished and mailed:
11 scarves
30 granny's daughters
23 granny squares
8 octagons
1 babyghan
1 lapghan
assorted crocheted goodies
tote bag
2 ferret hammocks
5 preemie hats and blankies
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Chocolate Bunny
i saw a cute easter bunny on c'ville and thought he would look funny done in chocolate brown with a bite out of his ear. didn't you always eat the ears first? i did. after, of course, i picked off and ate his white candy eyes. GEEZ, i was a brutal kid. LOL!! anyhow, here's a pic of Chocolate Bunny. and i promise not to pick off his eyes.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Look at all the pretties!!
here is the package of goodies that i got from crochet fanatic (theresa) from the c'ville spring flower swap. this is my first swap and isn't it the coolest thing to get surprises in the mail? the little blue flower is my favorite. probably because i can't do thread crochet without a major crisis and this one is so tiny. THANK YOU, THERESA!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
recent crochet projects
here are some pictures of what i've been crocheting lately. i mailed off some before i took the pics, but here is a little bit. first, there are the blankies for the preemie project followed by some preemie hats. some may be too big, but maybe not.

and here are a couple of lapghans for sissie's nursing home project. i've got to get started on some chemo caps for the next blitz. i know once warm weather gets here, i'm not gonna be inside as much, so i'm trying to get as much done as i can now.

and here are a couple of lapghans for sissie's nursing home project. i've got to get started on some chemo caps for the next blitz. i know once warm weather gets here, i'm not gonna be inside as much, so i'm trying to get as much done as i can now.

Sunday, March 19, 2006
Flowers and Frogs and crochet, oh my!
It finally stopped raining for awhile, so i went out to start cleaning up the yard. how does the yard get so ratty in the winter when we don't go out there? it makes no sense. things are popping up all over. forsythia, daffs, snowdrops, hiacynths, and the flowering quince is leafing out. even the dandelions are blooming. and the tree frogs are singing at night. of course, we also have a winter weather advisory for tomorrow night. from 3 to 6 inches of snow. YUK!!
Friday i went for a job interview at a nursery north of here. The lady said she'd probably call after Tuesday when they finish with interviews. But, she went over the company rules and info, so i'm hopeful. It's fulltime, temporary just until june. but that will give me the rest of the summer for farmer's market. And i plan to take my crochet for lunchtime. I can't give up my other bad habit.
On the crochet front, i've been keeping pretty busy. i've sent off some squares for comfortghans, flowers for the c'ville swap, a totebag for the diabetes auction, a box of goodies for Jimmie Lu's amigoes, and i've got 2 more lapghans in the works and 2 ferret hammocks (that's right, ferret hammocks) ready to mail out. i've got a few hats for the preemies, but need to make matching blankies.
In the greenhouse i've started some herb seeds for the market this summer. i've planted chives, marjoram, sage, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil, and even a few birdhouse gourds. I've got to order some pennyroyal seeds. everyone was asking for it last year. and i can't find the seeds in a store anywhere. i'm sure the herbs won't be ready by the end of april for the local church flea market that i sell at, but they'll be ready for market on may 20th. plus, i have perennials that i can sell. and maybe make some tufa pots and leaf castings(if i can find some big leaves somewhere).
But Melissa, you say, with all this fun you're having, when do you get any housework done? don't ask silly questions.
Friday i went for a job interview at a nursery north of here. The lady said she'd probably call after Tuesday when they finish with interviews. But, she went over the company rules and info, so i'm hopeful. It's fulltime, temporary just until june. but that will give me the rest of the summer for farmer's market. And i plan to take my crochet for lunchtime. I can't give up my other bad habit.
On the crochet front, i've been keeping pretty busy. i've sent off some squares for comfortghans, flowers for the c'ville swap, a totebag for the diabetes auction, a box of goodies for Jimmie Lu's amigoes, and i've got 2 more lapghans in the works and 2 ferret hammocks (that's right, ferret hammocks) ready to mail out. i've got a few hats for the preemies, but need to make matching blankies.
In the greenhouse i've started some herb seeds for the market this summer. i've planted chives, marjoram, sage, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil, and even a few birdhouse gourds. I've got to order some pennyroyal seeds. everyone was asking for it last year. and i can't find the seeds in a store anywhere. i'm sure the herbs won't be ready by the end of april for the local church flea market that i sell at, but they'll be ready for market on may 20th. plus, i have perennials that i can sell. and maybe make some tufa pots and leaf castings(if i can find some big leaves somewhere).
But Melissa, you say, with all this fun you're having, when do you get any housework done? don't ask silly questions.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Spring is in the air
It's been awhile since i've written anything. My mother-in-law had a heart attack, then a stroke, then passed away. at least my Husband,Pete, and his brother, Scott, were able to get to Texas in time to talk to her while she could still communicate and that meant alot to them. she was flown back here and was laid to rest on Saturday. busy weekend, lots of family in town.
Spring is just 12 days away and it's beginning to show. I've got daffodils, crocus, snow drops, and tiny little early iris in bloom. The little black pussywillow i bought last year worked very hard and produced one precious little black pussyfoot. It's so cute. And the local grocery store has frost tolerant pansies for sale. I was a good girl and didn't buy any (yet).
I walked around the yard looking at how everything faired over the winter (what little winter we had). I found the tips of the peonies poking through the ground, as well as primroses, pasque flower, sedum, creeping phlox, daylilies, surprise lilies, and columbines. I am soooo stoked.
Pete got the stuff out of the greenhouse that had to be there while they worked on son's truck in the garage. Now i can get started on planting seeds. I've got to get herbs started , some annual vines, and see what else strikes my fancy. I've got to get the potted perennials cleaned up and set back outside next to the greenhouse. Some have already started coming back up. I've got to get busy. I've been invited back to a local church's community day sale on April 29th. sort of a flea market thing. I had a lot of fun there last year. And i got an e-mail that the farmer's market will begin on May 20th this year. that just gives me about 6 or 7 weeks to get things growing.
It's pouring down rain now and is supposed to rain and thunderstorm for the next 3 or 4 days. Yup, it's spring in Indiana. Can mushrooms be far behind?
Spring is just 12 days away and it's beginning to show. I've got daffodils, crocus, snow drops, and tiny little early iris in bloom. The little black pussywillow i bought last year worked very hard and produced one precious little black pussyfoot. It's so cute. And the local grocery store has frost tolerant pansies for sale. I was a good girl and didn't buy any (yet).
I walked around the yard looking at how everything faired over the winter (what little winter we had). I found the tips of the peonies poking through the ground, as well as primroses, pasque flower, sedum, creeping phlox, daylilies, surprise lilies, and columbines. I am soooo stoked.
Pete got the stuff out of the greenhouse that had to be there while they worked on son's truck in the garage. Now i can get started on planting seeds. I've got to get herbs started , some annual vines, and see what else strikes my fancy. I've got to get the potted perennials cleaned up and set back outside next to the greenhouse. Some have already started coming back up. I've got to get busy. I've been invited back to a local church's community day sale on April 29th. sort of a flea market thing. I had a lot of fun there last year. And i got an e-mail that the farmer's market will begin on May 20th this year. that just gives me about 6 or 7 weeks to get things growing.
It's pouring down rain now and is supposed to rain and thunderstorm for the next 3 or 4 days. Yup, it's spring in Indiana. Can mushrooms be far behind?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
crochet olympic update
i thought i'd post a picture of my progress so far on the shrug i'm making for the crochet olympics. the sleeves went really fast, but the trim is taking longer and it's a bit of a hassle turning it around all the time. i was going to make it long, but i saw at the mall yesterday that alot of the shrugs are little short things, so i may split the difference and make it about waist length. i've got to take it to have my daughter try it on and see how it looks on her and how long she would like for it to be. and i've still got to do the cuffs, which i think i'm going to make sort of flaired like the one in mrs. who's picture. i think the next shrug i make is going to be like the farmland shrug i saw in the clothing show and tell on c-ville. it is very pretty. anyhow, here's my shrug so far. and in case you're wondering, 33 days til spring!!

Friday, February 03, 2006
crochet update.
i've mailed off some charity crochet things and started some new projects. i'm up to 16 on my 25 things for charity. i've also finished some preemie hats and blankies and some things for afghans for amigoes, but haven't gotten those mailed yet. now i'm working on some crocheted hearts that i'm going to embelish and attach pins to for our local nursing home. they can use them for bingo or some other valentines day activity. wonder how many i can get done by then?
another thing i've started is a striped sarape' style poncho for myself. it's mostly being done with worsted weight, but i've thrown in some textured yarns just for fun and variety.
here are some pictures of my hearts (undecorated) and the poncho.

and , if you're wondering, only 45 days till spring!
another thing i've started is a striped sarape' style poncho for myself. it's mostly being done with worsted weight, but i've thrown in some textured yarns just for fun and variety.
here are some pictures of my hearts (undecorated) and the poncho.

and , if you're wondering, only 45 days till spring!
Friday, January 27, 2006
adventures in brain surgery
as i promised, here is last week in a nutshell. my mom had not been feeling well for quite some time and her doctor was of little or no help. so, she changed doctors and they did a catscan and found fluid on her brain. amazingly, he said it was also on the catscan the other doctor did in 2002 and had said it was fine (grrr).
anyway, we got her into the hospital last monday night, and they did tests on tuesday and on wednesday, they drilled a hole in her head and put in a shunt and a valve that will open whenever the pressure builds up. the fluid will drain back into her body and be absorbed. i know it sounds weird(sorry if i gross anybody out), but it was so interesting to see what they can do and what a difference it can make. she even came home on friday. she is still recovering, but has already made great progress. she can walk without assistance unless she gets too tired, she's eating again, and she can read and concentrate better. the valve will take some adjusting, but, she's getting back to being mom. and she's well enough now for us to start giving her a hard time and making light of it (ok, making fun of her). but, it's what our family does. like my cousin says, "she needs us like she needs a hole in her head".
anyway, we got her into the hospital last monday night, and they did tests on tuesday and on wednesday, they drilled a hole in her head and put in a shunt and a valve that will open whenever the pressure builds up. the fluid will drain back into her body and be absorbed. i know it sounds weird(sorry if i gross anybody out), but it was so interesting to see what they can do and what a difference it can make. she even came home on friday. she is still recovering, but has already made great progress. she can walk without assistance unless she gets too tired, she's eating again, and she can read and concentrate better. the valve will take some adjusting, but, she's getting back to being mom. and she's well enough now for us to start giving her a hard time and making light of it (ok, making fun of her). but, it's what our family does. like my cousin says, "she needs us like she needs a hole in her head".
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Meet our Daughter
i previously posted a picture of our son, but we didn't have a recent pic of Casey, so we cornered her last week and took a couple of quick snapshots before she could get away.
like i said, her name is Casey, she's 25 and she's "fabulous". just ask her, she'll tell you it's true. LOL!!
she lives in Bloomington, about 45 minutes north of us. she has 3 spoiled cats and a thing for chinese food and Bob Dylan. and she's taken up crochet, too. she likes to make scarves.
well, enough chatter. here for your viewing pleasure, the fabulous Casey!!!
next time, i'll tell you of our adventures in brain surgery this week.
like i said, her name is Casey, she's 25 and she's "fabulous". just ask her, she'll tell you it's true. LOL!!
she lives in Bloomington, about 45 minutes north of us. she has 3 spoiled cats and a thing for chinese food and Bob Dylan. and she's taken up crochet, too. she likes to make scarves.
well, enough chatter. here for your viewing pleasure, the fabulous Casey!!!

next time, i'll tell you of our adventures in brain surgery this week.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Dreamsicle Dog
check out the precious sweater Alisha "chiscrochetcrazy" sent to my weinerdog. it's the cutest peachy-orange and yellow variagated cotton that won't itch deedee's skin. deedee has synthetic issues and she has to wear shirts to keep from scratching. this is just the sweetest thing. thanks bunches, Alisha!!

"don't hate me because i'm beautiful."

"my belly is cute, too."

"don't hate me because i'm beautiful."

"my belly is cute, too."
a lovely saturday
i'd had a pretty stressful past week, so on saturday, my husband (Pete) took me on a surprise date. first he took me to the greenhouse at Indiana University. i've always wanted to see what was inside there. he had done a job there recently and found out that it is open to the public and what the hours were. we wandered from room to room. the desert, the tropics, the houseplants, etc. . huge cacti, palms, ferns, orchids and spanish moss hanging on trees, a papaya tree with fruit, lemon trees hanging with lemons. and the smells. it was like walking straight into summer.
then he took me to "cheeseburger in paradise". a very jimmy buffet type burger joint. lots of atmosphere and burgers so big, there was no way i could down one. so i ordered popcorn shrimp and fries. i couldn't believe how much they brought. i finished the shrimp(the most important part of a balanced...anything!) and most of the fries. next time, we'll share an order of fries. that was a bunch of food!!
after lunch, we went over to the mall and waddled around and did nothing for awhile. what a wonderful change of pace. nowhere to be, nobody wanting anything, no phone calls(left the cell at home. hehehe).
all to soon, it was time to come back to the real world. but it was the best day i'd had in....way too long. and now i know that i can take my mom back to the university to show her all the wonderful things they have. i might wait till the middle of a cold, dreary spell when the summer sensations would be most welcome to us both.
and now, back to my regularly scheduled life.
then he took me to "cheeseburger in paradise". a very jimmy buffet type burger joint. lots of atmosphere and burgers so big, there was no way i could down one. so i ordered popcorn shrimp and fries. i couldn't believe how much they brought. i finished the shrimp(the most important part of a balanced...anything!) and most of the fries. next time, we'll share an order of fries. that was a bunch of food!!
after lunch, we went over to the mall and waddled around and did nothing for awhile. what a wonderful change of pace. nowhere to be, nobody wanting anything, no phone calls(left the cell at home. hehehe).
all to soon, it was time to come back to the real world. but it was the best day i'd had in....way too long. and now i know that i can take my mom back to the university to show her all the wonderful things they have. i might wait till the middle of a cold, dreary spell when the summer sensations would be most welcome to us both.
and now, back to my regularly scheduled life.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Grandmother's flowergarden baby blanket finished
i finished the Grandmother's flowergarden baby blanket for my friend's granddaughter-to-be. i used 123 hexes. i made a little hat to match, but it didn't quite get in the picture. i was going to jump right in and make a bedspread sized one for our bed, but i think i'm gonna do some other, smaller, things for awhile. i've seen enough hexes for now. i'm going to work on my 25 things for charity, and my UFO CAL. 
and this lump in the covers of the bed is my mini weinerdog, deedee. she gets out of bed when she gets darn good and ready.

and this lump in the covers of the bed is my mini weinerdog, deedee. she gets out of bed when she gets darn good and ready.

garden time isn't far away
i know, i know. it's winter. but i start looking for signs of spring as soon as the first day of winter. i've started getting my seed catalogs in the mail, and walmart has their racks of seed packets out. i know not everybody sees the excitement in this, but we garden junkies see it as a ray of hope. and my husband keeps reminding me that the days are getting longer. i start my greenhouse up in later february and early march so the plants will be ready for farmers market in mid may. i sell mostly herb plants and lesser known novelty plants just for fun.
and, in case anyone is counting(and i am), there are just 75 days till spring!!
and, in case anyone is counting(and i am), there are just 75 days till spring!!
charity crochet
i've joined the 25 things for charity gang and am going to do my best to help as much as i can. i think 25 is do-able for me. i've already got 5 scarves for red scarf project ready to mail, 2 chemo caps and 8 warm hats that i need a place to send them to. and i'm working on a lapghan and some dishcloths for the afghans for amigoes. i want to check out the project linus site to see what it's about. afghans take me soooo long that i'd rather stick to small things. a bed sized one would never get done in time.
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