I've not been getting to crochet much, but i'm trying to get in at least a little bit in the evenings. I'm still plugging away at my second lapghan for the May charity blitz. I know, I'm running behind. But those darned hexes are getting the best of me. I manage to get a couple made every night or so. And I'm getting pretty far along on my quiltghan for the CAL. Here's a picture of my progress.

Tomorrow is market day and I've got herbs, hostas, and water plants to sell. And a few crocheted cellphone cases. I've got a bag of books for the book tent. They trade used books, two for one. New reading material for me!!
Daniel is coming over tomorrow to use the garage to change his friend's oil. That's another piece of news. Dan has left the nest. Or maybe, flown the coop. Anyway, he's sharing an apartment with another fireman on our department and he's moving his stuff out a little bit at a time. I tell everybody that the way he's moving, my nest isn't empty, but it's certainly leaking. It's kinda weird having him drop by to visit. He was not home much to begin with, so i don't know why it seems so different to have him not living here. It's good, he's happy, we're entering a new time in our life, but it's just strange. Ok, enough mother-henning.
I'll try to be better about posting. But it IS summer, and you know how hard it is to stay inside when there are so many things to plant.
thats beautiful
Thank you, Lulu.
Hello and Good Morning Dazy! This is a beautiful afghan! All the projects you are doing are Great,Keep up the Good Work! Have a wonderful weekend!
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