Thursday, September 14, 2006


i've tried to be good, i really have. my back is messed up and i know i need to give it a break (so to speak), but this is silly. i made my mind up to take it easy this week and get healed up. i sat in a chair and read 2 books and i'm half-way thru another and it was only tuesday. UGH! wednesday i pulled up some more carpet in the livingroom. the carpet is a disaster and i'm removing it a little at a time and cleaning the hardwood underneath. then i'll sand it down someday and refinish it. maybe that'll keep me busy this winter. we put the carpet down with this double sided tape from hell. it is really stuck to the wood. i've tried all sorts of glue removers and so far, all i can find that works is scraping it up with a screwdriver. bit at a time. guess this falls under "how bad do you want it?"
last night, one of my regular market customers called at 10 oclock to tell me her sister was in town from ohio and wants some concrete leaf castings and could i have some at the market this weekend. so, today i made 2 tulip poplar, 2 hosta, 2 hollyhock, and 1 each of elephant ear, dock and angel-winged begonia leaves. that may be all i make for this year. it all depends on how long these last. things have kinda slowed down at the market. it's getting close to the end of the season and market is over after october. and i need to get busy on holiday market stuff.
i've not done anything in the yard lately. mostly because it has rained for , it seems like, forever. tuesday, it was raining when i got up at 8 and rained hard and steady till after 1 and then off and on thru wednesday. supposed to be nice the rest of the week. i'm going to try to get the water emptied out of everything outside. the misquitos outside today were terrible.
time to change the laundry around.
take care!

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