Sunday, September 03, 2006

Things to do, Things to do.

Well, i told you it was summer and i'd be hard to find. Gadzooks, i didn't know i'd been gone so long. I've been working in the yard and i DO mean working. i decided that, after working and not spending enough time on my beds, that it would be easier to dig up the good plants, put weed killer on the weeds and put the flowers back. That turned into redesigning the beds and moving plants from one bed to another and putting down mulch. The first 3 beds went well. they are looking quite nice. But, i got impatient with the 4th and biggest bed so far. i decided one day to pull all the weeds by hand and i got it done. but not without pulling something in my back. The next day, i thought,"what do you do with a sore back? work out the kinks". WRONG! i replanted the bed and added some more. then i couldn't bend over the next morning. now i'm grounded. I've got 3 beds to go and almost 4 yards of mulch to spread. i've not got time to be hurt. But i have gotten a bit of stuff done in the house. (like i want to be doing THAT!)
I'm crocheting a bit. some hats and scarves for the farmer's market holiday market in November. and working on a throw for my son's recliner. it's gonna be winter someday, and he'll need something to nap under. My mom is wanting a Mrs. Who's shrug. so, i'd like to get one made for her for christmas.
I'm wanting to try to make some glass block lites for the holiday market. i saw a project on a site and thought they would be fun to try. here is the link for the site .
I'd like to do something different this year. hate to become predictable. God forbid!
Time to go give the weinerdog a bath. oh, joy. be still my heart. i hope to have something more interesting to share next time. take care.

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