It finally stopped raining for awhile, so i went out to start cleaning up the yard. how does the yard get so ratty in the winter when we don't go out there? it makes no sense. things are popping up all over. forsythia, daffs, snowdrops, hiacynths, and the flowering quince is leafing out. even the dandelions are blooming. and the tree frogs are singing at night. of course, we also have a winter weather advisory for tomorrow night. from 3 to 6 inches of snow. YUK!!
Friday i went for a job interview at a nursery north of here. The lady said she'd probably call after Tuesday when they finish with interviews. But, she went over the company rules and info, so i'm hopeful. It's fulltime, temporary just until june. but that will give me the rest of the summer for farmer's market. And i plan to take my crochet for lunchtime. I can't give up my other bad habit.
On the crochet front, i've been keeping pretty busy. i've sent off some squares for comfortghans, flowers for the c'ville swap, a totebag for the diabetes auction, a box of goodies for Jimmie Lu's amigoes, and i've got 2 more lapghans in the works and 2 ferret hammocks (that's right, ferret hammocks) ready to mail out. i've got a few hats for the preemies, but need to make matching blankies.
In the greenhouse i've started some herb seeds for the market this summer. i've planted chives, marjoram, sage, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil, and even a few birdhouse gourds. I've got to order some pennyroyal seeds. everyone was asking for it last year. and i can't find the seeds in a store anywhere. i'm sure the herbs won't be ready by the end of april for the local church flea market that i sell at, but they'll be ready for market on may 20th. plus, i have perennials that i can sell. and maybe make some tufa pots and leaf castings(if i can find some big leaves somewhere).
But Melissa, you say, with all this fun you're having, when do you get any housework done? don't ask silly questions.