i'd had a pretty stressful past week, so on saturday, my husband (Pete) took me on a surprise date. first he took me to the greenhouse at Indiana University. i've always wanted to see what was inside there. he had done a job there recently and found out that it is open to the public and what the hours were. we wandered from room to room. the desert, the tropics, the houseplants, etc. . huge cacti, palms, ferns, orchids and spanish moss hanging on trees, a papaya tree with fruit, lemon trees hanging with lemons. and the smells. it was like walking straight into summer.
then he took me to "cheeseburger in paradise". a very jimmy buffet type burger joint. lots of atmosphere and burgers so big, there was no way i could down one. so i ordered popcorn shrimp and fries. i couldn't believe how much they brought. i finished the shrimp(the most important part of a balanced...anything!) and most of the fries. next time, we'll share an order of fries. that was a bunch of food!!
after lunch, we went over to the mall and waddled around and did nothing for awhile. what a wonderful change of pace. nowhere to be, nobody wanting anything, no phone calls(left the cell at home. hehehe).
all to soon, it was time to come back to the real world. but it was the best day i'd had in....way too long. and now i know that i can take my mom back to the university to show her all the wonderful things they have. i might wait till the middle of a cold, dreary spell when the summer sensations would be most welcome to us both.
and now, back to my regularly scheduled life.